Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pixie Cut

last night was a little bit of an emotional night for mommy.

As Breanna was showing Daddy her papers from school, I realized that something looked 'off' with her hair.  To my horror, I realized that she had cut her hair from the front to behind her ear....up to her ear.  A few tears where shed, while Chris was ranting about it just being hair.  I think I recall someone who was very upset when our oldest two decided to give Ava a new hair cut in exchange for letting her play with them a few years back.  But I won't name any names. lol.

All I kept thinking about was, 'But we have family pictures in THREE weeks!'  Chris retorted with, 'I'm real sure Breanna was thinking about family pictures when she decided to cut her hair off, but who cares.  IT'S JUST HAIR!

As much as I know he's right....I mean, I am the person who has had fifteen different hairstyles over the course of the five years he and I have been together, but it's different when it's your baby's hair.  The same hair that took so long to grow after having a PICC line in her head.  The same hair we've been working on growing out for about two years.  The hair that I could finally french braid.

As the night went on, I either became delirious, or I just realized how stupid my sulking actually was, because I got to the point that every time I looked at her, I couldn't help but giggle because she looked like she had a one-sided mullet.

Give me a second....I must catch my breath from laughing again.

Luckily, this morning, I was able to get her hair up in to pig tails for school.  She cried all morning.  Twirling her pig tails and saying she didn't want to cut her hair off.  She was still crying when I picked her up from preschool.  I seriously debated not cutting it, and having her wear pig tails for the next year of her life, but once we got in the car she decided she was ready to get it cut.

Our lovely hair dresser held onto all her hair as she was cutting it and made a neat pile so that I could keep it.

Breanna did really well at the beginning...naming off all the shapes and fish on the cape, but before long she was asking the hair dresser, 'How long do you have to cut my hair?'  'Are you almost done yet?'  All the ladies in the salon were snickering the entire time. 

Yes, I know.  I might have the most opinionated three year old on the planet.  And she's NOT afraid to voice her opinions, dislikes, and discomforts.  She takes after her daddy, and he doesn't even try to deny that one. lol.

I finally promised to take her to Burger King if she held still and let the nice lady finish her hair, and the lady gave her her timer.  Which Breanna started pushing buttons on and loudly declared, 'You have TWENTY minutes left! I set the timer like you do, Mom.  She has TWENTY minutes left!'  Wow....okay, so some things I say as a parent (ie...declaring how much time is left on the timer I set to monitor tube time during the week) is not so attractive when it's coming out of my three year olds mouth.

She was also not a fan of getting her hair blow-dried until the stylist gave her a mirror to look in and she started making funny faces at herself.  She's such a hot mess!

It's going to take a little bit to actually grow out to match the other side, but the hair stylist did a good job of blending it in the best she could.  Until then, lots of clips, bows, and flowers in our future.  But she does look really stinkin' cute with shorter hair.  We may end up just keeping it like this.  :)

We ran to Babies N Bloom (a local baby store) and picked her up several head bands and flowers.  She's been playing with them ever since we got home.  And she keeps saying, 'My hair is so pretty.  I'm going to show my U-TAFUL hair to Daddy when he gets home.  He's going to say I'm a PRINCESS.'  haha.  She's right about one thing, Daddy does think she's a (rotten) princess.  And I'm sure he'll tell her she's U-TAFUL too!

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