Monday, January 31, 2011

Unscrambled Prayers

Do you ever have so many people/situations weighing on your heart...that everthing seems like a mumbo-jumbo of words that you can't sort out, and you wonder how in the world He will ever make sense of it all, if you can't?

I sit in church and listen to Darrell and Mark pray for people during prayer time.

Lord, I thank you for (fill in the name)
Lord, they are going through (fill in the situation).
Lord, I praise you for all the good you do,
and I just ask that you (fill in request)

Now, their prayers are actually much more eloquent than that.
They seem to just flow from their mouths like they don't even have to think about what they are saying.

I sit there wondering how in the world He unscrambles the thoughts in my head.
How does He know all of the people in my life that I wish I had hours to spend praying for, but sometimes only have a few minutes to discuss with Him?

Is there really a 'right' way to talk to Him?
It's almost as if in my conversations, I imagine Him to be someone sitting in a chair in the same room as me.
Much like a psychiatrist.

The only difference is, with Him...
 it doesn't matter if I'm a blubbering mess of emotion and can't make it through a complete sentence without crying, or randomly go from one subject to the next.
He knows my thoughts, and He makes sense of them all.

The only thing that matters is that I'm taking my problems and worries to Him.

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