Friday, November 01, 2013

Where Do I Even Begin?

Where do I even begin???

I guess I should start with saying, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Has it really been 13 years since we met in Chem lab?  It's a wonder we made it out with all of our fingers, eyes, and hair.  I'm fairly certain if we hadn't been pulling A's, Dr Clinton would have kicked us out for our lack of using 'safety googles', or being disruptive with our hysterical laughing.

We've had so many great times together: duck taped bummers, *melons*, the bathroom at Carter's, baby drool down the shirt, cereal bags, 'Are you afraid of the moth man?' and the zombie apocalypse, Holiday World with all our kiddo's, birthday celebrations and a shot that made you want to puke (even though I still don't get it, because Elizabeth and I thought it was delicious.), BLT's and twice-baked potatoes, 'I will not get in the shower with you and wash your hair!', trampoline jumping, staying up half the night talking, drinking too much blueberry lemonade while dehydrating on the beach...

I could go on and on, but I'll suffice it to say, our friendship has been filled with so many fun adventures.

But we've also weathered a lot of heartache together... difficult relationships, divorces, cancer, too many surgeries to count, relocations, and death.

Through it all, one thing remained, our unconditional love for one another.

I thank God every day for giving me a best friend as amazing as you.

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