Photographs of the mind. Memories in our life add to the sense of completeness of who we are. What a beautiful ability God has given us.

Holding our 31 weeker for the first time.
The miracle of life after her MAJOR open-heart surgery.

Her first night home. Bittersweet!!!

Buying our house!
My big girls braving the dentist for the first time.

Fun family vacations!
The excitement of two little girls waiting to see Taylor Swift.
Fun times at the lake.
My sweet Ava graduating preschool
DAY 13
Love brings completeness
" A man leaves his father and mother and bonds
with his wife, and they become one flesh."
Genesis 2:24
"In the finale of God's creation, He made the first marriage by taking one man, removing part of him, and fashioning another person. Then, in the mystery of matrimony, two could come together and become one. Adam, though completed with God alone, found his God-given needs met even more fully with Eve, his complement, in life. This is true in your marriage. The Lord knew before you were born that you would one day marry your mate. And in His design of your gender differences and uniqueness, God intentionally created needs in both of you that the other would be exclusively designed to help meet.
The devil's desire is to use your distinctiveness to push you apart - to operate independently - as though what your spouse brings to you is unnecessary. But marriage has made you 'one flesh'. Now neither of you should live without the other. Though distinct in personality and ability, you have been designed to experience oneness in your diversity. You are no longer just you. You are so intimately combined with your mate that together you are to live as one complete person."
God Bless,